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Weekend happening

I should have posted earlier than now, no real excuse other than it wasn’t on the front of my mind.

This was the first weekend that I was implementing that I do at least one thing outside the house every weekend. The Husband and I went to a “family” picnic on Saturday. I have family in quotes because it wasn’t exactly our family, but his best friends very full family that he is a big part of.

It was a fun day, but I don’t do good in social situations like that. I managed fine, though, since my MIL was there, too. Additionally, there was the food. I did fairly well, but lots of pulled pork, sweet rolls, etc were available. I bought the watermelon so there was that healthy. There was also another veggie salad that was good and coleslaw, but I’m not a big fan of coleslaw…especially with large chunks of pineapple in there.

I did make sure to drink plenty of water and only water! So, that was good.

Then on Sunday I was set up bad in the morning. I didn’t get up in time to stop The Husband from going out for fast food breakfast. So, I started my day out down 20 points! And that wasn’t even filling enough. I’ll tell you later about my dinner and how I managed to make a healthy option out of something not healthy. And for lunch I made some chicken nuggets, I’ll post that recipe this week, too.

How was your weekend?

Resisting temptation

Tomorrow morning is my “weigh in” day. I will step on the scale tomorrow morning after I get out if bed, before I get ready for work. It has been so tempting to jump on that scale every morning. I know, however, that would be my biggest mistake. There is something very rewarding in the surprise waiting for the “official” one…that is when there is a loss.

I am confident that there will be a loss. I’m not sure how much of a loss, but it will be there. I know it!

If it’s not, that’s okay. I feel like I still made huge steps in moving towards a healthier lifestyle anyway. I have more steps to take, but if am packing healthy meals and snacks, eating smaller meals more often, and drinking tins of water. So, even with no loss, I’m in a good path. I will be happy with anything that scale shows…I just have to resist the temptation to jump on that scale before I go to bed tonight. (From previous years I know that I actually weigh about a whole pound less in the morning than I do before I go to bed. Don’t ask, I used to be obsessed with finding the perfect weigh in day and time).

Two hours

That’s what I set my timer at for the second day in a row. At two hour intervals I was eating something. It works for me, for the most part.

Today I started again with half my breakfast. Then the second half of my breakfast, a banana, cottage cheese with broccoli salad (leftover from dinner last night), and grapes in the way home.

The day worked out well. Then I got home and made a dinner of, store prepared, pumpkin raviolis. This is where things went wrong. I should have been more thoughtful about my dinner and made it a bit more substantial. I think had I originally made a plate of the ravioli with a side and/or garlic bread or something, I probably would have been ok. However, I found myself feeling a need to snack the rest if the night.

First it was avocado, then the corn bread that The Husband brought home from his dinner out, then grapes, then a glass if milk. I’ve cut myself off now, but only because I did hit my daily points limit. I seriously feel like I could snack more.

I think it might be time to go crawl into bed to prevent more snacking. Lesson learned, I seem to need a substantial dinner, not just something to hold me over.


So, today I did three things. First, I split my breakfast into two so that I had half at the regular time and half later. This worked yesterday and it worked a bit differently today.

Second, I packed “mini meals” for the day. So, half of breakfast, a banana, carrots, grapes, leftovers from dinner last night.

Third, I set my alarm for 2 hours so that every two hours I ate something. Starting with breakfast. Then since I knew 2 hour later I would be in the middle of a meeting, I brought a banns for when my alarm went off. Then, another toe hours ate the rest if breakfast. Two hours later it was the carrots, then grapes…see where I am going?

I am hoping that smaller items more often throughout the day will teach my body that food will come predictably so it doesn’t have to go into survival mode and just hang on to everything.

I also drank more than enough water. I made sure to always have my water bottle and I think I filled it three times today. I know that as long as I keep it close at hand then I will drink it. It’s when I get out of the habit of not having it with me that I then end up not drinking it.

Overall, today was a win!

Week two

So far, week is starting out well. Last week I talked about making my usual amount for meals but breaking it up into two to spread it out and force myself into a snack. I tried that with breakfast today. It worked, in a way. I wasn’t any joe hungry later, but it was good to have that “snack” that was already accounted for in my points. I can, at times, become a mindless eater; so having half my breakfast reserved for mindless eating was really nice.

Tomorrow is going to be a new challenge because I have a weekly meeting that starts at 8:30. By my calculations, my “second breakfast” should take place about 9ish, right in the middle if the meeting. We will see how it goes.